Teen Books

Friday, June 21, 2013

Win Kindle Paperwhite eReader

Being a writer affords me the liberty of creating characters who mean something to me and have characteristics that I like to see. I love getting to know them, then standing back and letting them tell me their story.

Here is some insight into the men of Unraveled:

Caedon Keene: the hot blackbelt who is interested in Autumn. He's sensitive, but deadly which makes him even more alluring.

Eduardo: Autumn's Taco Bell loving cousin. He's her partner in crime and modeled after Tommy Lee of Motley Crue:

Papi: Autumn's father. He's a baker, and an honest hardworking man. He doesn't understand Autumn's math gift, but believes in her talent.

Now for the cool stuff 

What’s up for grabs on my blog?

A FREE E-book of Unraveled

How to enter? Answer this question in the comment section below:

What's your favorite mystery novel?

What’s up for grabs on during the Blog Hop?

• One lucky hopper will win a KINDLE PAPERWHITE eREADER sponsored by Evernight Teen.
• Every book blogger/reviewer site is giving away one free eBook from Evernight Teen (winner’s choice of any eBook from Evernight Teen’s website).

• Plus, each author offers their own unique prize! So visit each blog hop stop for a host of fabulous prizes to win.

Be sure to leave your answer and your email address in the comments below to be eligible to win an eBook of Unraveled.

Continue hopping to the next stop!

Here is the Link so you can go on to the next blog for a chance to win more prizes.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Surviving SARPE surgery

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Am I glad I did it? Yes.

It was worth it to have my bite and teeth fixed correctly for the second time. I wore an expander and braces as a teen-ager, but my teeth decided to move around.

Here's what I've learned:

1) When you tell other adults you got braces and need surgery, they'll show you their crooked teeth despite having worn braces as a teen. Seriously, there needs to be a permanent post-braces process, so we only have to live through it once.

2) Even though SARPE surgery is out patient, if you can stay the night in the hospital- do it. I was well taken care of. Ice for my ice packs was brought to me every 2 hours. My vitals were taken every 2 hours to make sure I was recovering well. Through my IV, I was given antibiotics, anti-swelling and pain medication. Having the adjustable bed was helpful because I could sit up which was more comfortable.

3)Buy your post surgery food in advance. I purchased protein powder, applesauce, pudding, ice cream, soup, and tons of fruits & vegetables that I juiced. My favorite go-to drink was the chocolate carnation instant breakfast.

4) Sit up as much as possible to help with the swelling

5) Make sure you have someone to help you out because you're going to be tired and healing.

6) Get the best chapstick you can because your lips are going to get super dry and chapped.

7) Stay hydrated-nothing will make you feel worse then getting dehydrated

8) Make you sure you have an experienced, reputable surgeon. I had hardly any bruising and wasn't really in to much pain.

9) Be prepared to be gap toothed. As you crank the expander, a gap will develop and you'll look like Madonna.

If you are going to have SARPE surgery, I wish you good luck and speedy healing.