Monday, October 29, 2007

Getting published in Columbus Dispatch.

Ok, so the Parenting magazine didn't want my article, but the Columbus Dispatch did. Here's the story.

I got the best phone call today. You would have thought I was being nominated for a Pulitzer. The Columbus Dispatch called to tell me that they are publishing my story "The Disgusting Things I find in my Pockets" in this Sat's paper.

After tons of rejections, it feels so awesome to have someone say yes. She even told me that I definitely had a touch. Those were some sweet weirds.

What I learned is :

1) Never, ever give up

2) Keep perfecting and working on your craft

3) Keep putting yourself out there. Enter contests, send queries, keep sending your work out.

I also now have my first item for my writing resume. I now have something more than, member of SCBWI. I will actually have a published work.

There will be an electronic version at Check it out on Saturday

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