When her investigation reveals the killer is someone she knows, Autumn wants to offer herself up as bait and set a dangerous trap to unmask his true nature and to obtain a confession for her sister’s murder. But there’s a problem. Her new Blackbelt boyfriend. Knowing he would never agree to her plan, she abruptly ends the relationship and then risks her life to catch her sister’s killer
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Uncovered: Last year sixteen-year-old Autumn solved her sister’s murder. This year, she is part of a high school forensic dream team that assists the police when teens are kidnapped. When it’s discovered the kidnappings are part of a secret online survivor game, the police and team focus on the game maker-the man behind the game. The focus of the investigation shifts when Autumn is singled out and becomes the target of the Game Maker’s sick game. Through encrypted messages hidden in steganographs, Autumn must discover who the last kidnapping victim is if she hopes to save him in time.