Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Very Own YA Critique Group

A group of fellow SCBWI local members and I have created our own critique group. We all have novels in progress and they are all very different. I'm so excited about this possibility. We met last night and all the comments about my Chapter 1 were spot on. It's amazing what a fresh perspective can bring to your writing.

I made some revisions today and made my 7 copies to send to the SCBWI WIP grant committee. I'm going to put it in the mail tomorrow provided the weather lets me.

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1 comment:

Laurijean said...

This is awesome! I had to write as I am so excited to find another writer who loves Silence of the Lambs! I should clarify that statement actually...another children's writer that loves SOTL! I recently sent my very heavy packet to the WIP grant as well - I have a middle grade novel and a YA novel in the works. We should think about an online/email critique perhaps!